A guide to creating content for Quora
Quora is dominating the content marketing world for over a decade now, with a user base of over 300+ million people. These people are not casual internet surfers; they are critical readers. They love to read, learn, and explore new things daily, which opens up many opportunities for marketers and brands who want to sell or boost their brand's value online.
Quora is a platform where anybody can ask anything. Questions range from fairy tale stories to hardcore marketing hacks. The best part is that you can get interesting insights from authoritative people directly on your queries. Statistics show that there are over 400,000 topics available on Quora.
Why is Quora so important for Brands and Marketers?
In 2017, Quora did a survey and revealed that 54% of its users report an annual household income of more than $100,000, which means more than half of Quora users have a significant purchasing potential. Suppose these people come to you with a problem and you have a product that can help them, who will stop them from purchasing it from you. You can build a community of loyal consumers by genuinely helping them and collecting feedback from them.
Customers demand direct communication, and Quora is a platform where you can help people by answering their questions and also engage with them in the comments section. No sane marketer can afford to ignore Quora for marketing their products and services. All they need is the right content marketing strategy and good writing skills.
In this blog, we will discuss creating unique content on Quora that can bring people to read and take necessary actions.
Topics to cover:
1.Create a Kick-ass profile
2.Follow topics of your interest
3.Find the best out of best questions to answer
1.Personalize your answers
2.Integrate Relevancy
3.Keep it Clean & Engaging
4.Do Storytelling
5.Back your information with Numbers and Stats
1. Create a Kick-ass profile
Having is a good profile increases your chances to be read by people. It is because nobody likes to read answers from people having vague and incomplete profiles. They only want answers from the experts. That's why it becomes crucial for everybody to have a great profile to get more quality views on their content.
- Add your Credentials: In this section, you talk about your expertise in 50 characters. For example, "Marketing Head @ Uber (8 Years)." People see your credentials when they read your answers. You can have multiple titles, too; we'll talk about it later in this blog.
- Add a professional display picture: Your picture must be a headshot with a clean background. You don't necessarily have to show yourself as a buttoned-up professional but a causal and frank oracle.
Add a nice bio: While writing your biography, be very concise. You don't need to add unnecessary stories that nobody wants to hear. Make sure you write something that increases your credibility and authority. Add necessary links to your website or book (if any).
2. Follow topics of your interest
There are over 400,000 topics available on Quora. Out of which, you can follow the ones you have interest and expertise to positively get notified when someone puts a query under those topics. Research plays an important role here. Ensure that you don't miss out on issues that have a significant following because you can drive very quality people from Quora if you have the right wisdom to help them.
Pro tip: You can Add your credentials concerning the topics you follow. For example, if you are following the topic SEO, you can add credentials saying 'SEO expert at www.xyz.com,' and it'll only be visible to those who read your answer in topic-SEO. If you do not add it, then your default profile credential will show to people.
You can add these topic-wise credentials by going to your profile> Selecting the topics you follow> adding credentials (describing your experience or expertise in the topic). It is an excellent way to show authority over a subject and let people know about your words' credibility.
3. Find the best out of best questions to answer
After following the topics, you have to start searching for some interesting questions. Look out for questions that make you feel excited; chances are they'll excite other people too. Questions must be thought-provoking and worth meditating over. Now that doesn't mean you don't answer if they're no good questions out there. Sometimes people come up with silly questions, but you see a significant number of follows in those questions. It is because maybe it's a tiny thing for you, but for them, it means a lot. In such cases, do type answers and help wholeheartedly.
Parameters on which you can decide to answer a question are the number of follows on that question, the number of answers it received, interesting/ not interesting, etc. Sometimes while searching for a good question, you might get one that directly connects with your brand.
4. Personalize your answers
Get one step ahead of people by sharing your experience. People love stories, and if you feed them with a good story packed with some important lessons, they'll become your loyal followers. People are hungry for value, and they only take it from those who keep it simple and engaging. Personalized answers grab people till the end and also inspires them. Other people's stories impact us more than anything else. That's why there are more non-fiction fans than fiction ones.
You can also use the comments section to make human conversations by listening to people sharing their personal stories and thoughts on your ideas. Appreciate those who participate in the discussion, thank them for sharing their valuable opinions. This way, you'll form a priceless bond with your audience, which will help you in the long run because credibility is a thing.
5. Integrate Relevancy
Always keep your audience first while writing the answers. Ask yourself what does the audience wants? Try to get into their mindset through their queries, and note down their pain points. The more you know about your audience, the better will be your answers. That is why experts recommend choosing the topics in which you have good knowledge and experience. Because then only you can feel your audience's pain points as you also faced the same problem in the past.
You can also create an avatar of your audience with detailed information about where they live, their age, gender, interests, years of experience on the subject, beliefs, religion, etc. Some of them might seem useless, but they become significantly crucial while writing the answer.
While writing the answer, share your failures when you started, and instead of giving up, you kept moving. Share your personal experiences that can connect with people. For example, suppose somebody is facing lack of motivation in writing and asking you how to regain it. In that case, you can comfort them by sharing about times you felt dull and unmotivated but still kept writing and achieved success.
6. Keep it Clean & Engaging
People love reading articles that do not consume much brainpower to read. Most writers forget that readers are normal beings like us, they have a small attention span and patience, and if they don't respect that, people will find their alternative. Simplicity is the key here. Keep your writings as sweet and straightforward as possible. Give examples to make concepts crystal clear. Share stories of people who faced the same problems and came out. There are various ways that you can apply to engaging people.
- Leave spaces: Break an enormous paragraph into many small chunks (too many sections). It will boost the readability of your article.
- Bold and Italics: You can highlight important points with bold and italics to make them flash separately. It's an excellent way to provide value and to market your brand.
- Pictures and gifs: Give your readers some well-deserved breaks by adding interesting pictures and gifs. While reading a long post, we find excuses to take breaks. Pictures do it for us. They take our attention away for a moment and relaxes our mind.
- Add humor: Writers who can make people laugh are gold for the marketing industry. Businesses are thirsty for such talented people who can hold viewers' attention by giving them small laughter shots.
7. Do Storytelling
Storytelling is a high-income skill for a reason. It hooks people to the written words without them even realizing it. Storytelling works like magic. Whenever you narrate something, add details on it; make people feel what they read, and play with their brains. Internet is full of stale content, and Quora is no different. There are very few people who can write vibrant and dynamic articles. That's why we see a handful of people getting all the engagement.
Storytelling comes with practice. You have to write, edit, analyze and repeat until your copy starts flowing like water. You can also ask your friends and family to read your work and give feedback.
8. Back your information with Numbers and Statistics
It is imperative to have a solid background behind your words. Adding stats will not only increase your credibility but also invite more people to read. Our eyes automatically catch numbers in a text because they give us specific information about the topic. For example, "They were 5000 in numbers" is more precise than "They were thousands in numbers." Similarly, statistics will give you an upper hand over your competitors because people are hungry for information and facts, and they'll love you for compiling statistics from different sources into a single article for them.